
Sociology Important Facts : Acts And Important Laws

Facts Related To Sociology :  Indian Forest Act 1927  Wildlife Protection Act 1972  Forest Conservation Act Enacted 1980  National Forest Commission 2003 Report Submitted In 2006 March  The Indian Council Of Forest Research In Education Founded In 1987  Social Forestry Act 1976  Hygo Framework 2005 To 2015  National Rehabilitation Policy For Project Affected Families 2004  The Rehabilitation And Resettlement Act 2007  National Forest Policy 2018 ,1988, 1894 And 1952   The Biological Waste Management And  Handling Rules 1988  The Air Prevention And Control Bill 1981 Amended In 1987  The Water Prevention And Control 1974  Land Acquisition Act 1894  E-waste Management And Handling Act 2011  Batteries Management And Handling Rules 2001  Hazardous Waste Management 2016  Ganga Rejuvenation 2014  Wetland Conservation And Management 2010  Ozone Depleting Substance Regulatory And Control...


community : Thinkers   who talks about the concept of community : F Tonnies(geminshaft and gesellshaft ) both are german terms geminshaft means community and gesellshaft means association , former one is characteristics  of simple or primitive societies while the latter one is characteristics of modern societies  Durkheim (mechanical and organic solidarity ) Louis wirth Robert Redfield Macaiver  Definition of community : according to duncan mitchell: community association of people  interdependence   governing body ex: village  characteristics of a community: Group of people Definite locality Community sentiments and we feeling Cultural similarity Organized interaction Permanence Likeness  Association is different from community in following aspects : Artificial  Involuntary Temporary Impersonal  Laws  Formal

social structure

social structure : ordered arrangement of  parts or components  parts of social structure : social institutions, groups , norms, values , folkways , mores , association etc. social structure is abstract (which we cant see in physical tangible form ) social structure is a macro level concept(society as a whole) basic  social institutions includes: family, education, marriage , political system, religion  word structure was first used by "spencer" in his book "first principle" karl marx :metaphor when he speaks about economic structure (for marx economy is vital component of the society) social structure book by : george p. murdock (1949) in this book murdock talks about kinship  elements of social structure: normative system : ideas and values  position system :status and role sanction system: reward  and punishment  anticipated response system: expectation and motivation  social structure and social organization: f...

भारतीय समाज शास्त्री विचारक: गोविन्द सदाशिव घुर्ये

जीवन परिचय  youtube g.s ghurye जन्म: महाराष्ट्र १२ दिसम्बर १८९३ सारस्वत ब्राह्मण परिवार में  मृत्यु : १९८३ (८१ वर्ष की आयु में ) गोविन्द सदाशिव घुर्ये की रूचि प्रारंभ से ही संस्कृत में थीं उन्होंने अपनी स्नातक की परीक्षा संस्कृत और अंग्रेजी में पास की संस्कृत में M.A करने वाले घुर्ये ने अल्फिन्स्तन कॉलेज में शिक्षण कार्य करते हुऐ पैट्रिक गिद्देन्न्स को " Bombay as an Urban Center " लेख प्रस्तुत किया इसी लेख के कारण उन्हें एक विदेशी छात्र वृति प्राप्त हुई  लन्दन स्कूल ऑफ़ इकोनॉमिक्स में घूरे ने एल.टी होबहॉउस के साथ काम किया  इसके बाद घुर्ये Cambridge University आ गए जहा उन्होंने रिवेर्स के साथ और  " Caste and race in India"  नामक अपना शोध पत्र प्रस्तुत  और P.hD की उपाधि हैडन के मार्गदर्शन में ली  क्योंकि अब तक रिवेर्स की मृत्यु हो गयी थी 1919 में बम्बई में शुरुआत हुआ समाज शास्त्र घुर्ये के नेतृत्व नयी बुलंदियों को छुआ जब इसकी जिमेंदारी 1924 में घुर्ये ने रीडर के तौर पर ली  संशेप में घ्र्रे भारतीय समाज शास्त्र के अगुवा थे you...

sociology short notes and facts : part 4

Max wetber: part 2 Legitimacy :  valid commands from the authority Authority :  Legitimate power Types of Authority: Rational legal: based on rules of law , rules Charismatic: charisma, grace ,miracles  e.x :  Hitler, Mahatma Gandhi Traditional Authority: based on tradition e.x  : yesterday kings and chief of tribes etc Social Action: Instrumental-Rational(Wert Rational): efficient pursuit of goals, calculating advantage and disadvantage. Value Rational:(Zweck-Rational) Guided by values  always compelled by demand or code of conduct . Traditional Action: Determined by habit or log term custom .e.x : standing for national anthem. Affective Action: display of unchecked emotions e.x : parents crying during children's wedding. The Protestent Ethics : book :the protestent ethics and spirit of capitalism  for weber :  certain protestent ethics in protestinism help in capitalisation   e.x : rationalising princip...

sociology short notes and facts : part 3

Max weber : part 1 Birth: 21 April 1864 Sociology is science which attempts the interpretive understanding of social action casual explanation of Social Action casual explanation of its cause and effect. Weber thinking was strongly influence by william Dilthey Also influenced by Henrich Ricke t Individual Social Action Ideal Types: pure categories of mental construct Verstehen (understanding/interpretation) is what differentiated sociology from other social sciences. sociology is different from other social science for its methodology. Rationalism: Too much rules and constraints. Disenchtment Too  many calculations in the world

sociology short notes and facts : part 2

Emile Durkheim part 2 Suicide:  Egoistic excessive individualization not integrated no social support and guidance depression ex: protestents people as studied by durkheim  Altruistic: too much integration  individual needs are less important than society needs. anomic : moral confusion deregulation  financial crisis fatalistic: excessively regulated example: Prision Books by Emile Durkheim: elementary forms of religious life division of labor in society moral education the rules of sociological methods