जुलाई 2016 पेपर 2

1. Which one of the following statements represents the idea of C. Wright Mills about sociological inagination ?
 (A)  Looking social world as social fact.
 (B) Understanding differences among the classical theorists.
(C) Bringing together private troubles and public issues.
(D) Avoiding individual based explanstion.                 ANS. (D)

2. Who amongst the following says that sociology is the study of collective representation ?
(A) Weber
  (B) Durkheim
(C) Comte
(D) Spemcer                      ANS. (B)

3. According to Max Weber, an ideal type is:
 (A) The most common situation in a givenn society
 (B) Philosophical model of an ideal society
 (C) Conceptual or analytical tool to understand social phenomena        ANS. (C)

4. According to whom internalized ‘shared values’ are regarded as playing a decisive role in the social integration of any siciety ?
(A) T. Parsons
 (B) B. Malinowski
 (C) E. Durkheim
 (D) R.K. Merton                               ANS. (A)

 5. Which according to Robert Redfield is not the characeristic of Little Community ?
(A) Distinctiveness
(B) Homogeneity
 (C) Location
 (D) Self-sufficiency                        ANS. (C)


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पुस्तके और लेखक books and writers भाग 1

पुस्तके एवं लेखक books and writers भाग 3

पुस्तके एवं लेखक books and writers भाग 4 indian sociological thinkers