पुस्तके एवं लेखक books and writers भाग 3
पुस्तके और लेखक
राधाकमल मुख़र्जी :(Radha kamal mukherjee)
- The foundations of indian economics (1916)
- the principle of co operative economics
- democracies of the east
- boderlands of the economics
- civics
- mind in society :introduction to india psychology
- the theory and art of mysticism
- man and his habitation
- social ecology
- the social function of art
- the social system of values
- the indian scheme of life
- the dynamics of morals
- a history of indian civilization
- the horizon of marriage
- the culture and art of india
- the philosophy of social science
- the philosophy of personality
- the dimensions of human evolution
- the dimensions of value
- the destiny of civilization
- oneness of mankind
- the cosmic art of india
- the philosophy of man
- song of the self supreme
- the communities of communities
अगस्त कोम्टे (August comte):
the course of positive philosophy
हेरबेट स्पेंसर (Herbert spencer)
systematic phplosophy
principle of ethics
principle of sociology
descriptive sociology
principle of biology
the proper sphere of government
the political instuition
first principle
ferdinand tonnies(टोंनीज़ )
germeinshaft and gesellschaft
public norms
Luwis henry morgan(लुइस हेनरी मॉर्गन )
- iroquois
- the american beaver and their works
Thorstein veblen(थोरस्टे वेब्लेन )
- the theory of leisure class
- the history of buisness enterprisev
- the instinct of workmanship and the state of industrial arts
- imperical germany and the industrial revolution
- an enquiry into the nature of peace an its perpetuation
- the higher learning of america
- the vested interest and the common man
- the place of science in modern civilization and other essays
- the engineer and the price system
- absentee ownership and buisness
- enterprise in recent times
- the case of america
- the laxdaela saga
- essay in our changing order
Vilferdo pareto(परेटो )
- mind and society
Charles cooley(कूले )
- human nature and the social order
- social organization
- social process
- sociological theory and social research
Leonard t. hobhouse(हॉब हाउस )
- the metaphysical theory of state
- the rational god
- elements of social justice
- social development: its nature and condition
- Ptrim sorokin(सोरोकिन )
- crime and punishment
- elements of sociology
- system of sociology
- the sociology of revolution
- contemporary sociological theories
- social and cultural dynamics
- the crises of our age
- man and society in calmanity
- society , culture and personality
Palcott parsons :(पारसंस )
- the structure of social action
- the social system
- towards a general theory of action with e. a . shils
- family, socialization and interaction with r. bales
Robert k. merton(मेर्टन )
- sociology today: problem and prospects
- reader in bureaucracy
- the student physician :introductory studies in sociology of medicine education
- the freedom to read : prospective and programme
Bransilow mallnowaski(मालिनोवस्की )
- crime and custom in savage society
- a scientific theory of culture
- magic, science and religion
A.R radcliff brown(रैडक्लिफ़ ब्राउन )
- development of social anthropology
- structure and function of primitive society
- african system of kinship
- a nature science of society
Sri arvindo (श्री अरविंदो )
- the life divine
- human cycle
- the mystery of gita
- essay on the gita
- the ideal of karma yogini
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