social structure

social structure :

  • ordered arrangement of  parts or components 
  • parts of social structure : social institutions, groups , norms, values , folkways , mores , association etc.
  • social structure is abstract (which we cant see in physical tangible form )
  • social structure is a macro level concept(society as a whole)
  • basic  social institutions includes: family, education, marriage , political system, religion 
  • word structure was first used by "spencer" in his book "first principle"
  • karl marx :metaphor when he speaks about economic structure (for marx economy is vital component of the society)
  • social structure book by : george p. murdock (1949) in this book murdock talks about kinship 

elements of social structure:

  • normative system : ideas and values 
  • position system :status and role
  • sanction system: reward  and punishment 
  • anticipated response system: expectation and motivation 

social structure and social organization:

firth divided social structure and social organization:
social structure is permanent while social organization is temporary and change in nature 

redcliff brown :
social structure is arrangement of people and social organization of activities of persons 


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पुस्तके और लेखक books and writers भाग 1

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