Sociology Important Facts : Acts And Important Laws
Facts Related To Sociology :
- Indian Forest Act 1927
- Wildlife Protection Act 1972
- Forest Conservation Act Enacted 1980
- National Forest Commission 2003 Report Submitted In 2006 March
- The Indian Council Of Forest Research In Education Founded In 1987
- Social Forestry Act 1976
- Hygo Framework 2005 To 2015
- National Rehabilitation Policy For Project Affected Families 2004
- The Rehabilitation And Resettlement Act 2007
- National Forest Policy 2018 ,1988, 1894 And 1952
- The Biological Waste Management And Handling Rules 1988
- The Air Prevention And Control Bill 1981 Amended In 1987
- The Water Prevention And Control 1974
- Land Acquisition Act 1894
- E-waste Management And Handling Act 2011
- Batteries Management And Handling Rules 2001
- Hazardous Waste Management 2016
- Ganga Rejuvenation 2014
- Wetland Conservation And Management 2010
- Ozone Depleting Substance Regulatory And Control 2000
- Noise Pollution Regulation And Control Amendment Rules 2002
- Land Write Amendment 2013 Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change Also Known As Ipcc 1988 By World Meteorological Department
- Minimum Wages Act 1948
- Industrial Dispute Act 1947 Factories Act 1948
- Contract Labour Act 1970 N(Abolition)
- Trade Union Act 1926
- Minimum Wages Act 1948
- Equal Renew Renew Generation Act 1976
- February Muslim Personal Law That Is Also Known As 1937
- Dissolution Of Muslim Marriage Act 1939
- Special Marriage Act 1954
- Hindu Succession Amendment Act 2005
- Dowry Prohibition Prohibition Amendment Act 1984
- Indian Christian Marriage Act 1872
- Dowry Prohibition Act 1961
- Hindu Marriage Act 1955
- Hindu Succession Act 1956
- Hindu Minority And Guardianship Act 1956
- Hindu Adoption And Maintenance Act 1956
- Hindu Inheritance Removal Of Disabilities Act 1928
- Hindu Widow Remarriage Act 1856
- Triple Talaq Violation Of Article 14
- Transgender Persons Protection Of Rights Bill 2018
- Forest Forest Right Act 2006 Also Known As Tribal Rights Act ,The Tribal Land Act Or The Tribal Bills
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